Former 'keke' driver uses pre wedding photos to despict how he met his fiancee in delta state (photos)

Below is what the former tricycle (keke) driver wrote on social media as he posted his pre wedding photos.

THIS IS  HOW WE STARTED SOME  YEARS  AGO, she accepted me even with  my condition and even loved me unconditionally, she bear  me a child  even when I don't have  anything to prove  as a man... Now it's  my time  to pay back  and proved  to her that I appreciated  each  moment  spent with  her... Now I believed what  God  has join  together  no man can put ASUNDER to it.. It's  an advice  to the whole  world  don't discriminate  anyone  because  no man's condition  is expected  to be static  for ever..  Please keep  the date as we share  our  love  on may  3RD  @ OSUBI  OPPOSITE THE AIRPORT AND  also  may  6th  @ pti conference  center........
It's  going  to be ♨♨♨♨...

Former 'keke' driver uses pre wedding photos to despict how he met his fiancee in delta state (photos) Former  'keke' driver uses pre wedding photos to despict how he met his fiancee in delta state (photos) Reviewed by Prince Gabriel on April 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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